30% Morally Subversive

The writer Tereska Torr's served in the Free French Forces's corps feminin. Her novel Women's Barracks was published in English in the United States in 1950. It made frank references to lesbianism. The author took exception to the work being termed lesbian , stating that only one-and-a-half of its five principal characters could be termed so. A Commons Select Committee on Current Pornography deemed the book to be morally subversive. The work was finally published in French in 2010 in a rewritten form as Jeunes Femmes en Uniforme.


The British Library

The Department of Prints & Drawings collection was centred on Cupboard 205. It included cartoons by Thomas Rowlandson. Other departments of the Museum had their own equivalent collections; the Department of Antiquities had a Secretum and the Book Department a Private Case.

During the 19thC the Museum accepted a number of collections that included a high proportion of pornographic items. The antiquarian Dr George Witt built up a collection of over 400 phalluses as symbols of the early worship of mankind . Henry Spencer Ashbee (d.1900) worked in the textiles trade. His business meant that he travelled extensively in Europe and bought widely. At his death he bequeathed the British Museum 15,299 pornographic items to the British Museum.

Access to the Private Case was highly restricted. Anyone wishing to consult material had to write to the keeper of the department stating the reason for wishing to do so. Later 20thC novels that were placed in the Case's collection included William S. Burrough's (1914-1997) Naked Lunch (1959) and Hubert Selby jr.'s (1928-2004) Last Exit To Brooklyn (1964). Eventually, the books etc. were dispersed into the departments general collections.

Location: Great Russell Street, WC1B 3DG (blue, yellow)

See Also: THE BRITISH LIBRARY The British Museum British Library




Erotica sometimes formed part of a larger collection. The 1st Baron Houghton left a library of 24,000 books. A substantial element was pornography.

Location: 16 Upper Brook Street, W1S 1BE (orange, yellow)


Fanny Hill

John Cleland's novel Fanny Hill (1748) did not use sexually explicit words.

See Also: PRISONS, DISAPPEARED The Fleet Prison, Fanny Hill


John William Holden

John William Holden (1832-1873) was an industrious pornographer. His output included works with titles such as The Romance of Chastisement (1870). He died as a result of having consumed a surfeit of pork chops. His epitaph was Hotten, rotten, and forgotten.


Holywell Street

Holywell Street in Covent Garden had a reputation for being somewhere that pornographic items could be bought.

Clare Market became the centre of London's pornography trade.

Location: Clare Market, WC2A 4AD (orange, purple)

Holywell Street, WC2B 4LA. Demolished in 1900. (blue, turquoise)


The Obscene Publications Squad

By the late 1960s it had become apparent to even the Home Office was aware that the sections of the Metropolitan Police that covered the West End were riddled with corruption. After several years Detective Chief Superintendent Alfred Moody became one of the Obscene Publications Squad officers who was jailed for having had corrupt relations with Soho pornographers.


Lord Porn

In the early 1970s The Times journalist Philip Howard (1933-2014) was a member of Lord Longford's campaign to stop pornography. As part of their investigation the two men went to a sex club. There, they sat in the front row and watched a two people having sex. During the proceedings the elderly peer turned to his colleague and inquired What do you think, Philip? You re a younger man. Do you find this arousing?

Location: 18 Chesil Court, Chelsea Manor Street, SW3 5QP. Longford's home. (orange, yellow)

Flat 1, 47 Ladbroke Grove, W11 3AR. Howard's home. (purple, turquoise)



The Obscene Publications Squad

By the late 1960s it had become apparent to even the Home Office was aware that the sections of the Metropolitan Police that covered the West End were riddled with corruption. After several years Detective Chief Superintendent Alfred Moody became one of the Obscene Publications Squad officers who was jailed for conducting corrupt relations with Soho pornographers.


Pornographic Magazines

Writing copy for pornographic magazines provided an entry route into journalism.


Richard Desmond

Richard Desmond became very wealthy through publishing pornographic magazines. He then diversified his interests.

Location: The Northern & Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, EC3R 6EN (orange, turquoise)

Paul Raymond

Paul Raymond (n Geoffrey Quinn) (1925-2008) did his National Service in the R.A.F. as a bandsman. He then worked in variety, ending up as part of a mind reading act. One theatre manager told him that he would only allow him to perform if his two female assistants appeared topless; for an extra 10s. a week the pair agreed. He married a showgirl choreographer. They exploited a loophole in the Lord Chamberlain's licensing to mount on variety hall stages still tableaux of topless women.

He decided to settle in London. Private members clubs were able to avoid most of the censorship laws. In April 1958 he opened the Raymond Revuebar in Soho on the corner of Brewer Street and Walker's Court. By the mid-1960s he was a millionaire. In 1964 he launched King, a men's magazine that featured articles on cars, cigars, and military history, as well as tasteful nudes.

In 1971 Raymond bought Men Only. He installed his girlfriend, the glamour model Fiona Richmond, as the publication's nominal editor-in-chief. Other pornographic models launched Club International, Escort, Mayfair, and Razzle.

He had the appearance of a perma-tan spiv who had a good tailor.

In 1997 Raymond sold the Revuebar. In 2010 Raymond withdrew from the pornography industry.

Raymond lived in a suite next door to The Ritz.

Location: 11 Walker s Court, W1F 0SD. The Revuebar. (red, orange)

58 Wardour Street, W1D 4JQ. Soho Estates's headquarters. (orange, brown)



Pornographic Models

Cosey Fanni Tutti (n e Christine Newby) was a performance artist who moved to London in 1973 and for a period worked in the pornography industry.



The Retail Act of 1950

The Retail Act of 1950 meant that shops could sell pornography and alcohol on Sundays but not The Bible or powdered milk.

David Backhouse 2024