See Also: SPORTS


Lawn Tennis

Lawn tennis was a product of technology: the lawn mower and vulcanised rubber.

Major Winfield informed the 5th Marquis of Lansdowne of sphairistike. His lordship told A.J. Balfour. It was Balfour who devised the name lawn tennis. Subsequently, he served as prime minister.

Location: Lansdowne House, 9 Fitzmaurice Place, W1J 5JD. Lansdowne's townhouse.

4 Carlton Gardens, SW1Y 5AD. Balfour's townhouse.


Lawn Tennis Association

Location: 100 Priory Lane, Roehampton, SW15 5JQ



The National Tennis Centre

Location: 100 Priory Lane, Roehampton, SW15 5JQ


And A Half

Gerry Ells (1920-2019) was a retired costume jeweller who became an immensely successful player upon the seniors circuit. During the 1990s and 2000s he competed in over a hundred veterans tournaments. In 2007, as part of the Centre's opening celebrations ceremony, he was presented to the Queen with the statement that he was the current over-85 singles and doubles world champion. The monarch commented Eighty-five, that is wonderful. The sportsman responded by declaring, Thank you, Ma am, 86 actually. She started to move on on to be introduced to the next person in the line, when he chipped in with And a half!


Fred Perry

Fred Perry's (1909-1995) father was active in the Cooperative Party and became a Labour M.P.. Perry became the world table tennis champion by the time he was nineteen. He then switched to playing tennis.

In 1934 Perry won his first men's singles title. The following year he won all four major championships.

Perry left the amateur game and joined the American professional circuit. He flirted with Hollywood and became an American citizen.

Perry established a clothing business.

Location: 223 Pitshanger Lane, Brentham Garden Estate, W5 1RG



The Queen's Club

The Queen's Club

Location: Palliser Road, W14 9EQ



Wigmore Sports

Wigmore Sports is a shop that specialises in tennis racquets and tennis-related items, such as clothing and footwear. It has a racquet string service.

Location: 39 Wigmore Street, W1U 1PD (purple, white)

See Also: SPORTS Lillywhites; MENU




In 2007 Jamie Murray and Jelena Jankovic won the Mixed Doubles title at Wimbledon. He was the first Briton to win a senior Wimbledon title since 1987.

In 2008 Henman Hill was renamed Murray Mound.

Location: All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet, Church Road, SW19 5AE



Wimbledon has a rule that competing players should wear white sports clothes when playing. This reputed to derive from a wish to minimise the visibility of sweat.

David Backhouse 2024