See Also: ASSASSINATIONS & ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS Foreign State Sponsored, Georgi Markov; THE HOUSE OF LORDS Umbrellas; WEATHER Rainfall; MENU

Parasols were used in Eastern cultures to shield people from the Sun's rays. Contacts with the East probably led to the introduction of parasols into Britain and their adaptation into the umbrella.


Jonas Hanway

The merchant Jonas Hanway (1712-1786) is reputed to have been the first person in London to have been a frequent umbrella user.

Location: 23 Red Lion Square, WC1R 4PS (blue, red)


Umbrella Sellers

James Smith & Sons

James Smith & Sons is an umbrella and sticks retailing and repairing business. The firm was founded in 1830. It has been on New Oxford Street since 1857.

There is a story that upon one occasion a person was buying an umbrella in the shop. The sales assistant opened and closed it in order to ensure that it was in proper working condition. The customer commented, Is n t that unlucky? Not with our umbrellas, sir , came the reply.


Location: Hazlewood House, 53 New Oxford Street, WC1A 1BL (purple, pink)


Swaine Aideney Brigg

Swaine Aideney sells umbrellas and a range of equestrian goods.

Location: 18-19 Burlington Arcade, W1J 0PN


David Backhouse 2024