See Also: BURGERS McDonalds, McLibel; ECCENTRICITY Stanley Green; FOOD; PUBS Food; MENU


C.W. Daniel Company

The publishing firm C.W. Daniel Company was set up in 1902 by Charles Daniel. It published on a range of books on radical ideas that included vegetarianism.

Location: 11 Cursitor Street, EC4A 1LL (blue, brown)


Mr Eustace Miles

Eustace Hamilton Miles (1868-1948) played real tennis at the 1908 Olympics. He used his fame to promote a new version of male athleticism, one was that was lithe rather than stocky. He owned vegetarian restaurants and health food shops. He sought to switch the emphasis of vegetarianism from morality to nutrition. He was associated with the suffragettes. When prisoners were let out of Holloway they would greeted by a gathering that would be held at the restaurant. It was Sylvia Pankhurst's favourite restaurant. In the early 1910s it was frequented by literary figures such Enid Bagnold and W.H. Davies. It is mentioned in E.M. Forster's novel Howard s End (1910).

Miles came to dislike the word vegetarian, which he believed had become associated with cranks. He wanted to distance it from the political causes with which it had been associated. He favoured the simpler diet. His disparaging nicknames included the Nut Emperor and the Bean King.

Location: 40-42 King William IV Street (formerly Chandos Street), WC2N 4HS (orange, red)


Notable Beef

In 2016 the Bank of England introduced Britain's first polymer banknote, a 5. However, it was soon reported that some vegetarians were unhappy that in part it was made from beef tallow.

See Also: MONEY Bank Notes


The Vegan Society

The Vegan Society was founded in 1944.




The poet Thomas Chatterton was a vegetarian. Percy Bysshe Shelley bordered upon veganism.

John Snow was the doctor who appreciated that cholera water-borne rather something that was conveyed by a miasma. He was a vegetarian.

Theosophists had a tendency to be vegetarians.

Location: 39 Brooke Street, EC1N 2NS. On the western side two doors up from Holborn. Chatterton's residence. (orange, turquoise)

15 Poland Street, W1F 8PR. Shelley's residence. (red, turquoise)

David Backhouse 2024